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A mohawked centaur snorts as the world burns down behind her; an antlered Cleopatra glides by with insurmountable beauty; a fashion show gets stuck to a wall; and a family of ungulates sit patiently awaiting their delivery dinner. 'hoof' is physical theatre inspired by herd behavior, mythic beasts, the melodrama of portraiture, and the banality of TV dinners.


created/directed by elysse cheadle


Manuela Sosa as Manuella Sossa
Iris Lau as The Gliding Cleopatras
Victoria Lyons as Farmer Victoria
Linda Pitt as The Wylde Wheelcharion
Shannon Lee as The Centaur

music and 'dramooturgy' by elliot vaughan
stage management by Teresa Leung
lighting design by rui su


hoof was performed in 2013 at The Russian Hall, and again in 2015 at the Vancouver Fringe Festival.


*A workshop version of hoof was presented at Mascall Dance's annual choreographic residency, 'BLOOM' in June 2013 with a cast of three:


Natalie Schneck,

Janelle Reid,                                        

Shannon Lee.




Photo by Dan Borzillo

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